Four Technological Advances In Dentistry

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Dentistry has come a long way in the past twenty or so years. Where local anesthetics and drills once reigned, exciting new advances in dental technology are sovereign. Four technological advances in dentistry have truly changed the face of the science: intraoral cameras, composite resin, dental lasers and air abrasion. These advances have changed dentistry for the better. You will no longer have to worry about a trip to the dentist's office being an entirely painful experience! 

Intraoral Cameras

The human eye is an amazing organ, but, like all things human, it is susceptible to fallibility. With an intraoral camera, dentists do not have to rely only on their eyes alone. The intraoral camera made its way into the world of dentistry in 1989 and now makes its home in over 80,000 clinics

An intraoral camera is a small, wand-like device with a high definition camera lens attached to it, which allows dentists and patients alike to see the inner workings of the human mouth. Dentists can zoom in on areas of the tooth which may require extra care, which allows them to work with greater precision. 

Using an intraoral camera also allows dentists to take greater precaution than by simply using their eyesight alone. In addition, the video feed from the camera is presented on a screen viewable by the patient. The ability to see what is going on within their own mouth puts many a patient's mind at ease.

Composite Resin

While composite resin fillings are not exactly new to the field of dentistry, their usefulness, effectiveness and aesthetic qualities have significantly improved since the 1990s. In the past, silver fillings have generally been the go-to filling for dentists, as their effectiveness was much greater and cost ultimately much lower than composite fillings. 

Luckily, with great strides being made in the actual composition of composite resins – they are primarily made of plastics and glass – composite resins make for extremely effective fillings. However, their main selling point is their superior aesthetic quality. Due to the malleability of composite resins, the fillings can be sculpted to match the shape of the tooth's original integrity, and can even be color matched to make the tooth look as good as new.

Dental Lasers

A sign that we have entered the future in any field of technology or science: lasers! Mainly used on the gums during surgery, dental lasers have proven to be an accurate and effective tool in ensuring a healthy fight against periodontal diseases. In advanced gum disease, lasers can be used to zap away gum tissue that is too diseased for traditional treatment methods. After the diseased area is removed, the laser immediately cauterizes the wound, meaning no stitches or other healing methods need to be used. 

The future is indeed looking bright for dental lasers. Groundbreaking technological advances will even soon allow for dental lasers to assist in the regrowth of lost and broken teeth! 

Air Abrasion

Whenever you think of reasons to avoid the dentist's office, drills are probably the first thing that comes to mind. Thankfully, the use of drills is gradually declining, replaced in its stead by a drill-less air abrasion tool that sends oxidized air onto the surface of the tooth, removing any unwanted and damaged areas on the surface. A suctioning device is then used to remove any bits of enamel and debris that remain in the mouth.

As you can see, dental technology has advanced to a point where the experiences of discomfort, pain, and long intake waiting lines are falling by the wayside. Intraoral cameras, composite resin, dental lasers and air abrasion are all making the world of dentistry a much easier and safer scientific endeavor. The next time you have an achy tooth, don't think twice about making an appointment with a local dentist's office, like Dentistry For Children & Adolescents. With these exciting new technologies, the dentist's office doesn't have to be a dreadful experience. 
