Tips To Help You Treat And Remedy Your Tooth Infection

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When your tooth pulp becomes infected from bacteria in your mouth, a crack in your tooth, or a cavity, the infection can cause severe tooth pain and can require a root canal to remove the infection to prevent it from spreading to other areas of your body. Preventing an infection in your tooth pulp by following recommended good oral health practices is the best option. But, when your best efforts to prevent a tooth infection fails, here are some methods you can try to treat and remedy a tooth infection.


There are many types of herbs readily available online and in local herbal stores that you can use to relieve the pain and to treat a root canal infection. Here are some herbs you can use to treat and remedy your root infection

Plantain Herbs

Plantain herbs are a weed commonly found growing right in your yard or lawn. You may recognize it by its rose-shaped cluster of leaves, and it has thin green flower spikes growing upward from the leaves. If you can't find this weed in your yard, you can buy it fresh or dried.

You can use plantain herbs to help treat your infected root, as it pulls toxins from your mouth and teeth. Plantain herbs work well to eliminate the infection in your tooth, as they contain anti-inflammatory properties, and their astringent properties help sooth the irritation in and around your tooth from the infection. Plantain herbs also provide demulcent properties, which create a protective film on your mouth's mucous membranes to help relieve any pain associated with your infection.

Mince or grind up fresh or dried plantain herbs and pack them around the infected tooth. You can leave this poultice treatment on your tooth for several hours and even overnight. Replace the plantain herb poultice with a new treatment, as needed. 


You can also use dried echinacea to fight off your tooth infection by placing the dried herb right onto the infected tooth. Echinacea helps your body fight infection by raising your body's white blood cell count and increasing your body's ability to fight off infection. 

You can also take it by taking it as a tincture or drinking it as a tea. Make your own echinacea tincture with some dried echinacea root and vodka that is 80 proof 40 percent alcohol. Place the ground dried echinacea root into a clean glass jar, filling the jar approximately three-fourths of the way full. Pour the vodka into the jar, covering the root by two to three inches. Place the jar into a cupboard to keep it away from sunlight and frequently shake the jar.

After four to six weeks, strain the root from the liquid, saving the liquid in its jar. The alcohol in the tincture preserves it from spoiling or growing mold. Take one-half teaspoon of the tincture with a small glass of water every hour to help treat your tooth infection. Taking echinacea in a tincture form provides relief and healing properties more quickly than by drinking the tea.

Echinacea tea can be soothing and provide you relaxation as you drink it to help your tooth infection. Make a tea by boiling the dried herb in water and allowing it to steep, then strain the herb fro the tea. You can also add two dropperfuls of echinacea tincture, or one teaspoon to eight ounces of warm water to make a tea.

Root Canal

When any of these prevention methods do not alleviate the pain associated with your infected tooth pulp, you can choose to seek professional treatment with a root canal dentist. Your dentist can remove the infected pulp, including the nerves and blood vessels inside your tooth, filling it with gutta-percha and adhesive cement, capping it off and leaving behind the hard tooth exterior.

Removing the infected interior does not affect the integrity of your tooth and simply relieves the pain and remove the infection to reduce the risk of it spreading to the rest of your body. 
