Important Cavity & Dental Care Information
Do you keep large amount of toothpicks handy due to food always getting trapped inside of your cavities? It is likely that some of the food that is stuck in the cavities is left behind after using the toothpicks, which causes bad breath and tooth decay. Even after brushing your teeth in a thorough manner, small particles of food might still remain in the cavities if they are deep or wide enough. If you have never gone to a dental clinic for treatment or a check-up, it is wise for you to get into the habit of doing it for the safety of your oral health. Read the remainder of this article for helpful content in regards to taking care of your teeth with the assistance of a dentist.
Getting Your Cavities Examined & Treated
Making an appointment for your cavities to be examined by a dentist is the first step towards improving your oral health situation. The dentist will take a close look at the cavities to determine how deep they are as well as how they should be treated. When cavities are deep and there is a large amount of decay, a dentist might want to treat them by simply extracting the remainder of the enamel. If the cavities are not excessively large, he or she can likely fill them in or place crowns over them to preserve the remainder of the enamel. The examination will also include determining whether the pulp chamber in each tooth is exposed due to severe decay.
Making Sure Your Teeth Are Secure
When there is tooth decay present, it might also mean that gum disease should be of a concern. You might even have periodontitis, which is a severe case of gum disease that can affect your jawbones. The problem with bad jawbones is that they can lead to your teeth becoming loose and easily falling out. A dentist can check each of your teeth to make sure they are secure in the jawbones. An x-ray can also be performed to show the dentist whether your jawbones are healthy or not.
Getting Plaque Removed from Your Teeth
It is important to get into the habit of getting plaque removed from your teeth on a regular basis. A dentist can use the scaling method to get rid of the plaque that you are unable to remove with your toothbrush. He or she will basically scrap away the plaque manually by using a tool. Keeping plaque away is the best way to prevent cavities from developing in the future.
To begin searching for a general dentist near you, visit sites such as